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satisfy the child’s need
满足孩子的需要  detail>>
 vt.  1.使满足,使满意,使果腹;符合(标准),达到(要求)。 2.赔偿,偿清;履行(义务);答应(要求),赎(罪)。 3.使确信;消除(恐怖、...  detail>>
satisfy of
使对...感到信服, 使相信  detail>>
satisfy with
使对...感到满意, 使满足于..  detail>>
cost to satisfy
物超所值  detail>>
satisfy a craving
过把瘾 过隐  detail>>
satisfy a debt
还清债务  detail>>
satisfy himself
令其本人信纳  detail>>
satisfy oneself
彻底搞清楚 彻底弄明白  detail>>
satisfy the examiners
考试刚及格  detail>>
satisfy the liabilities
清偿负责  detail>>
satisfy the wants
满足需要  detail>>
satisfy wants
满足需要  detail>>
satisfy with the draw
满意抽签结果  detail>>
to satisfy requirements
达到要求  detail>>
at need
困难时  detail>>
be in need of
很需要  detail>>
if need be
如果需要的话  detail>>